Lesson 3 Frameworks

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  • Frameworks are code that has already been written.
  • This pre written code allows us to build our own custom application.
  • Frameworks give wb developers a basic standard website, in which they can add on to and quickly build their own site.
  • Frameworks are often referenced as batteries.
  • The battery defintion is when the framework had high level integrations. * Examples is Django (which is opinionated). * Another example is flask which is not battery included (high customization).

About Heidi Saleh

Hi, my name is Heidi Saleh. I built this site using devlopr-jekyll. Some fun facts about me is that I lived in three different countries, I love sharks. I also love adventure! (skydiving, parasailing, rock climbing etc). I hope to go shark diving and bungee jumping at some point :) Here is the path to my resume https://hsaleh13.github.io/resume/

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