Lesson 1 - Git and GitHub

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  • Git is a type of version control system that allows us to be able to take snapshots.
  • Git also tracks changes that we make.
  • Git also allows people to work together on a project.
  • Some common commands that are used in Git are: * Git add (adds a file) * Git push (pushes the commit) * Git commit (changes in code) * Git branch (snapshot of the code) * Git rm (is a command to reove a file)


  • A repository can hold files, images, and sheets.
  • Any of the saved changes on the file is called commits.
  • You can use the github site to input files and then have the Git desktop to commit those changes.

About Heidi Saleh

Hi, my name is Heidi Saleh. I built this site using devlopr-jekyll. Some fun facts about me is that I lived in three different countries, I love sharks. I also love adventure! (skydiving, parasailing, rock climbing etc). I hope to go shark diving and bungee jumping at some point :) Here is the path to my resume https://hsaleh13.github.io/resume/

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